The USBC recognizes your accomplishments in certified league and tournament play through its lifetime national awards program.  The plaques, rings and trophies awarded by USBC offer you a wide variety of ways to commemorate the pinnacles of your success for your first 300 game, 800 series or 900 series.  For more information about USBC’s national award offerings, please click here.

Did you know?  The USBC also provides a variety of customizable certificates that League Officers may fill out and print on their own.  To view these offerings, please click here.

Finally, the Greater Pittsburgh USBC has it’s own local achievement award program.  These achievement awards include recognition for pins over average, and series based upon average.  This form changes every season, so be sure to remember this page if you need an extra copy!

2023-2024 Greater Pittsburgh USBC Award FormLocal Achievement Award FormView PDF

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