Why do you certify?

Any bowler will tell you, bowling is more than a sport.  It’s family and friendship.  Camaraderie and competition.  Inspirational, intergenerational, accessible-to-everyone joy.

Not everyone has to get our sport.  But those who do have to keep it going.  We have to be there for bowling like bowling has been there for us.

If you’re for bowling, bowl certified.

Benefits of Certification

National Recognized Rules

Your membership ensures that you bowl under nationally recognized rules and regulations.


Your certified average is your ticket to local, state and national bowling tournaments!  No matter your skill level, USBC has a tournament for you!

Equipment and Specifications

USBC ensures all bowling balls, pins and more are inspected and certified, ensuring a fair and competitive game for all USBC members.

Youth Development

The IBC Youth Team works with all members of the bowling community to provide quality programming and resources to grow youth bowling.

Why I Certify

USBC invited bowlers of all ages from across the United States to state why they certify. For these bowlers, and so many like them, bowling certified is about much more than paying dues so they can bowl in tournaments. It’s their way of saying I’m for bowling.

Now, we’re asking you, members of the Greater Pittsburgh USBC: why do you certify?

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